Saturday, December 20, 2008

Eagle Eye Review (Ending is Spoiled)

So I finally got around to watching Eagle Eye last night. Afterwards, I was very happy I didn't spend $9 to see this movie. When watching the trailer the movie actually looked good. That is until I realized all the good parts of the movie were in the trailer.

This movie had potential to be good. A government conspiracy can all always lead up to interesting plot lines. That is until you mix the story with an evil computer trying to take over the government. How many times has the plot line be done? Seriously! The whole movie died for me when they introduced the computer and you realized that it was trying to take over. Not to mention the tremendous amount of errors in the movie. Between people surviving trips in unpressurized airplanes and cell phones in the pentagon the movie just lost all credibility for me. Besides the bad plot line The movie was filled with car crash after car crash. It was though the director was in a rush to see how fast he could fly through the budget.

There was not much saving grace for the movie, although I do have to say that once the stupid computer died the ending was actually pretty good. The majority of the movie dragged through an unrealistic world with a government gone haywire, but the last 10 minutes were ok.

True I was stuck inside due to the snow storm outside, but I would have rather watched Meet the Robinsons if I wanted to see an evil computer take over.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Car Update...

So it turns out the car is not broken. We were trying to start the car with the missing key. This key was not programed with other keys, therefore the computer would not start the car. Turns out Dad was right, it was electrical :)

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Of Course It Goes Wrong Now...

It's Murphy's Law that nothing ever goes wrong until the worse possible moment. Things work and everything is good. However, in the past six weeks (of which I have been unemployed) I've had to take the dog to the vet (and nothing worked), lost car keys, and now have a dead car.

First the whole vet thing. About a month ago Gracie started to chew on her fur. No big deal, until the chewing lasted for months and Gracie now has bald spots on her tail and back from chewing all the fur off. We go to the vet, she really doesn't know what is going on. The dog does not have mites/mange and she is to young for allergy testing. The vet treats her for mites anyways and also provides treatments for allergies. After a large vet bill and weeks worth of pills the chewing continues on. My parents really want the dog to go back to the vet, but honestly it didn't work the first time and cost a fair amount of money why continue? Right now the puppy is being treated by using a spray that deters bitting by taste. It seems to work much better then the vets solutions.

About a week after the vet, I take my car in for standard maintenance work. While in the shop I asked the dealer to cut a new key to replace one lost about a month ago. The dealer cuts a new car key at an obscene rate for me. Apparently, your car key does not cost the couple of dollars another key would cost. These keys now have computer chips that register to the car. I may understand the expensive key if a dealer wants to write it off to a computer chip. What I don't understand is the $40 labor charge to cut and program the key. Really how hard is it to cut a key? And takes what a whole five, ten minutes to program it? The icing on the cake comes later that night when Dad calls to say he found my missing car key in the couch. Now it's my own fault that I lost the key, but really does the missing key need to come up within 12 hours of paying to get a new key cut?

Finally, at this same maintenance check-up the shop determined I needed a new car battery. I talked it over with my dad and we decided since my car is in the garage and I haven't had any problems it doesn't need a battery right away. All goes well for about two weeks. This past weekend I come home, and the first night my car is outside it dies. We are not sure it was the cold, but it was awfully convenient if the car was going to die it would be in my parents driveway. Dad and I go to get a new battery today and everything works great. Maybe not so great. Battery goes in flawlessly, car sounds better, but still doesn't start. So tonight my car sits infront of my parents house waiting to be towed to the dealership tomorrow morning. There are some theories, I believe There may be problems with the sparkplugs, Dad believes it's electrical or fuel problem. The engine is turning but not igniting. Now it's a waiting game to here the outcome of my car. And all of this when I had to get from St. Charles to Milwaukee for an interview tomorrow. I did use Mom's car and am home now writing this when I should really be prepping for the interview.

So I understand these things do happen. And I can handle them as they come. I just do find this humorous that this has all happened in the past few weeks. I guess the best part is I'm at home with nothing to do so at least I have to go to vets, dealerships, and whatever else I have to do.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Review: SnowShow 2008

SnowShow 2008

Who: The Ting Tings
Jack's Mannequin
Death Cab For a Cutie

When: December 2nd 2008

Where: The Rave

I went to the SnowShow just to see Jack's Mannequin. We missed The Ting Tings because Megan had class and I was late picking her up because of shoveling the snow. It all worked out in the end because the one song we heard from the Ting Tings weren't all that great. Although, what I didn't know is that the Ting Tings are only two people. One on drums and one singing. How much of show can a group put on when most of there stuff is pre-recorded.

After some wait Jack's Mannequin took the stage. I've seen them so many times I've lost count. Andrew puts on an amazing show full of energy and some great dance moves. Show is what I would expect from a Jack's Mannequin show. Andrew does great with all of their songs, and unlike many bands I've seen live he can really pull of the sound of the cd. But, last night just wasn't as great as most Jack's Mannequin shows. The band really did nothing wrong, they were as great as always. The problem is that Jack's Mannequin is very much a summer band. When I think of them it's beaches, sun, and Summerfest. Now it's cold and snow and COLD. Last night I just couldn't get into the show. The band put in a good mix off of Everything in Transit and Glass Passenger. What was missing was the obligatory cover song. Some of my favorite Jack's moments come from their cover songs but no, no cover songs last night. Also, as pointed out by Megan, it's a Christmas show and their where no Christmas songs. If you have a Christmas song you should really play it at a Christmas show.

Jack's Mannequin was done and after waiting 45 minutes for a set change Death Cab came on. I was not one for Death Cab before last night. It was late, it was cold, and Death Cab puts me to sleep. But then the band came out and blew me away. This was not the Death Cab I knew, no they were so much better then I thought of any cd. They came out up tempo, the crowd started to dance, and for someone who was not looking forward to it, this was the best part of the night. I thought I only knew 1 or 2 songs, but somehow I recognized half the set. The band broke out into "I Will Follow You Into The Dark", everyone started to sing, and it was one of the best songs I've heard a band play in a long time. To go into a concert not looking forward to a band and end up falling in love. I think Death Cab ended up doing a pretty fabulous job.

So to wrap of the show, The Ting Tings=don't really know, Jack's Mannequin-good but not for a midwest winter, Death Cab=amazing and a recommendation for anyone.